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Thursday 18 February 2021

Question & Answers for Our World 4 Chapter 2

 1. Write a brief note on the uses of plants.

Plants provide us with food. We make cotton clothes from cotton plants. Trees are used to make our houses. We depend on plants for food, shelter and clothing. Apart from this we use plants in various other ways. 

2. Give examples of land and water plants.

Plants grow both on land and in water.

Examples of plants that grow on land (terrestrial plants);

wheat, ragi, Corn, tomato, potato, groundnut, cotton, jute, neem, mango, banyan and bamboo.

Examples of plants that grow in water (aquatic plants);

Duckweed, water lillly, lotus, hydrilla and mangroves.

3. Identify and write some desert in your surroundings.

Cactus, barrel cactus, prickly pear cactus and aloe vera are some desert plants that grow in our surroundings.

4. What questions would you like to ask a gardener in your village to know about different types of plants?

(a) What type of plants do you grow in your garden?

(b) What are grasses?

(c) How are bushes different from trees?

(d) Where do lotuses grow?

(e) What type of a plant is pumpkin?

(f) Is bamboo a grass?

5. Go to a nearby garden or nursery and write the names of as many flowers and plants as you can identify.

I could identify and name the following flowers and plants; jasmine, hibiscus, rose, marigold, lily, chrysanthemum, tomato plant, brinjal plant, chilly plant, beans plant and pumpkin plant.

6. Make a chart on the types of plants based on stems and hang it in your classroom.

A note to the Teacher: This work is beyond the syllabus therefore it might be a good idea if the teacher prepares the chart and explain it to the students.

Based on the structure of the stem, plants are primarily classified into the following categories:

Herbs – These have delicate green stems.

Shrubs – They have hard and bushy stems with branches

Trees – They have very hard and thick stems that are referred to as trunks.

Creepers – They have very fragile stems and cannot support the entire plant weight. They can also not stand straight and grow by spreading horizontally on the ground.

Climbers – They too have weak stems, but their stems are a bit stronger than creepers. They can grow vertically on some support and bear their own weight.

7. Make some flowers using colour papers and decorate your class.

Teachers may click on the following links for ideas on making paper flowers.

